Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fun Games for Sight Word Cards

I found some printable Dolch sight word cards here.  My team printed of a ton in on different colored paper for parents to take home from parent teacher conferences.  We also had the following sight word activities on a handout readily available for them:

After you grab your cards, here are some fun ways to use them!

1. Use the color word cards to label colors you find around the house.

2. Use one color card and glue it to a sheet of paper. Use old magazines to find pictures of that color and glue onto your sheet. Do this for each color, attach them together, and make a book!

3. Choose a sight word card and read a story together. Using the card as a visual clue for the child, make a funny noise every time he/she sees the word.

4. Use the cards like flashcards and run through the cards until your child is a whiz at these words.

5. For older children, put the words in alphabetical order.

6. Print out a set of word cards for each child, set them up 3×3 or 4×4 and play bingo.

7. Using the word cards as your guide, use the letter cards from before to spell out each word.

8. Count the number of letters in each word. Label it using your number cards.

9. Laminate the cards or put them in plastic badge holders. Trace the words with write-on/wipe-off crayons.

10. Using the card as your guide, write the first letter of the word on the first line of paper. Then continue on the next line with the first two letter; third line, first three letters until the word is complete.

11. Lay out all the cards on a table face up. Call out a word. Race to see who can find it first, or if playing with one, use a stopwatch to see how fast the card is found.

12. Play hopscotch! Lay one card in each square. You have to read the word before you can jump and land in that square.

13. Using the cards as your guide, write the words on a chalkboard, a dry erase board, or paper. Write them first with a dark color, then trace over it in different colors.

14. Build the words out of blocks, dough, or finger food!

15. Using the card as your guide and your index finger, write the word on a friend’s back. Can they guess the word?

16. Print out several copies of the words and play Go Fish!

17. Give the child an old book or magazine and a highlighter. Using the cards, find and highlight words in text.

18. Print two copies of the word cards and play the memory game. You have to say the word when you find the match.

19. Practice out loud. Say the word on the card, spell it, then say it again…all out loud.

20. Sort the cards by number of letters. Which words have 2 letters? 3? Which word has the most letters?

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